Self-learning system, which is recommended for use with OLTC and transformers main tank (power transformers, generator step-up transformers, phase shifters, shunt reactors) with cyclic loading.
MESSKO® MTRAB 2.5 DB100, DB100T, DB200T and DB200DT DEHYDRATING BREATHERS for Different applications.
In addition to monitoring the humidity, it determines a time window in which the oil expansion vessel expels air and the dehydrating chambers are regenerated.
- In normal operation, the air flowing to the oil conservator is routed across the desiccant (silica gel) and thus dried.
- The degree of moisture of the air flowing to the expansion tank is permanently monitored. The regeneration of the desiccant is activated when the moisture content reaches the defined limit value depending on the behavior of the equipment.
- The intelligent algorithm and design ensure compliance with the IEC 60076-22-7 standard and the required limit values.
Summary: The maintenance-free MTRAB® prevents the ingress of moisture into the insulating fluid of transformers, tap-changers, and other components and permanently monitors this equipment.

MTraB DB100 for OLTC

MTraB DB100 for Main Tank

MTraB DB200T for Main Tank

MTraB DB200 for Main Tank